Discoveries and Rediscoveries in 2024

I’ve never known a year to move so quickly. I don’t know about you, but 2024 has been a lightning round for me. Yet December is typically when I slow down and look at everyone’s “Best of the Year” posts in books, movies, TV, music, and other categories. This month, I plan to post my favorite discoveries and rediscoveries in books, movies, and life.
I’ll break my movie-watching into films (from any year) I saw for the first time in 2024 and movies I revisited. I’ll also have a separate category for film noir.
My book discoveries (and rediscoveries) will include classics, general fiction, crime fiction, books on movies, theology, and more.
And I’ll be posting other things, too, in case you’re not a fan of lists.
I hope you’ll share what you experienced in these categories as well. Regardless of what you celebrate (or don’t), I hope everyone has a safe, wonderful holiday season. Stay tuned.