“I need music and film and lots of deeply attentive friends if I'm going to get it right even some of the time.” - David Dark
Hi, I’m Andy.
I’ve been a musician, teacher, librarian, writer, public speaker, movie presenter, and more. I’m passionate about movies, books, and music and can’t imagine a life without them. If also describes you, you’ll find something to like here at Journeys in Darkness and Light.
What You’ll Find in This Newsletter
I mostly write about all kinds of movies from different eras, but I particularly love film noir. I’m also an avid reader of fiction and nonfiction and love how reading can help build community. (So can all the arts, for that matter.) My passion for reading led me to write the book Men Don’t Read. I also write about music.
My writing, thoughts, and conversations often reflect a Christian worldview, but you don’t have to embrace such beliefs to enjoy my content. I’m not trying to convert anyone through this newsletter, but being a Christian is who I am. I’ve met atheists who enjoy my work, so I’m hoping that everyone will consider giving this newsletter a try.
Why subscribe?
What gives this newsletter value? A personal connection. Passion about the movies, books, and music that moves us. When we find a work that speaks to us, we discover something about ourselves. And want to share that work with others. When we discover other passionate people, we’ve created a community.
We may disagree about what we like, but we can have respectful, intelligent conversations and exchanges that lead to greater knowledge, understanding, and empathy. The arts lift us above the mundane aspects of life, and I want to discover that higher level with you. If you find that exciting, you’re in the right place.
Paid subscribers get exclusive content, full access to the newsletter and publication archives, freedom to comment on any post, and are eligible for prizes.
What You Can Expect
• Posts every other week, sometimes more
• Access to archived free posts (paid subscribers have access to all posts)
• Participation in subscriber-only comments
I hope you’ll consider joining me.
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